Anand Kesavan,
ESRF and EFF Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Location: Arlington, Texas
Enrollment: 1548
Loan Amount: $15.8 million
School Savings: $5.5 million
School Link:
Ratings Direct: Arlington Classics Academy
Obligor Summary: Arlington Classics Academy Obligor Summary
Arlington Classics Academy (ACA) was founded in 1999 by a group of parents who wanted their children to experience an accredited curriculum that includes Spanish, Art and Music in small classroom settings and is predicated on high expectations for all students. ACA now operates across three campuses and serves 1,500 students in grades K-9. The school has earned the highest charter school designation under the Texas Education Agency’s accountability system since 2007. The strength of ACA’s academic program is rooted in continuous assessments and monitoring where students are encouraged to not just focus on where they are, but where they are “growing.”
Equitable School Revolving Fund provided a $15.8 million dollar loan to advance refund Series 2010 Bonds which were used to finance the construction of one facility as well as refinance previously issued debt. ACA locked in a 22-year fixed rate, fully amortizing loan, saving the school up to $5.5 million over 22 years compared to the 2010 issue.
“Working with the staff of ESRF was truly a pleasure. It was immediately recognizable that their mission, as well as ours, was to return dollars to the classroom by reducing the cost of debt and debt issuance. The students and teachers of Arlington Classics Academy will notice the benefits of our partnership with ESRF for years to come.”
– Craig Sims, Executive Director of Schools, Arlington Classics Academy